392. 「to the effect that」


We sent to you our reply on 25 June that we were ready for the payment.


We sent you a reply on 25 June indicating that we were ready to make such a payment.


We sent you on 25 June our reply to the effect that we were ready to make such a payment.

が適切です。「支払いの返事」は、支払うことを保証したという意を簡略化した日本語表現と思われますが、英語では、もっと具体的な用語を使うことが大切です。この例では、せめて、「our reply on 25 June indicating that」または「our reply on 25 June to the effect that」とすべきです。


We have received indications through A, albeit informal ones, to the effect that a letter has been received from the Authorities indicating that we will be granted a period of grace in which to rectify areas where we do not satisfy (requirements stipulated in the latest Laws and Regulations).



We have received information to the effect that there is a real possibility that a new model will be introduced at the request of Fiat.



when it is detected that a set amount of ink is extracted onto A


when detection is made to the effect that a set amount of ink has been extracted onto A



メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です