29. 好適な状況および不本意な状況と含意(5):「~のおかげ」と、「by virtue of」、「thanks to」、および「by dint of」の使い分け

「相違点を有する」という表現に対しては、多くの翻訳者が「by having points of difference」と訳すでしょう。しかし、そのような相違点を有することが持つ利点を強調することが書き手の意図であれば、「by virtue of possessing such points of difference」という表現が最も自然です。




By virtue of acting with a sense of social responsibility and respecting, both domestically and internationally, both to the letter and in spirit, every single law and international regulation, Z company remained a positive influence on society.

が適訳です。その会社の貢献度を強調する文脈では、「by means of」のような中立的な表現よりも、「by virtue of」の方がはるかに優れた表現です。


また、「すべての法律、国際ルール」を「every single law and international regulation」と翻訳したことも、大きな特徴です。ここを「all laws and international regulations」と訳すと、やや力強さに欠け、強調効果が薄れます。この文は、「single」という単語で表せるユニークな強調方法を示す好例です。「single」の用例については、セクション27でも取り上げています。


「by virtue of」は、



By virtue of taking up the challenge created by the expansion in sales of both Japanese manufacturers of automobiles, and of manufacturers from both the USA and Europe, Z-Company increased the number of its overseas manufacturing operations to 25, and by 2004 the value of its overseas production had risen to \40,000 million, a truly phenomenal expansion.

この例では、この会社が成し遂げた成功によって極めて好ましい状況が生まれていることから、「by virtue of」を使うことにより、「by means of」よりもはるかに良質な翻訳に仕上がっています。

この例について特筆すべきもう1つの点は、文末に同格を用いているという点で、「a truly phenomenal expansion」によって先行節の内容がきれいにまとまっています。「expanded phenomenally to 40,000 million」のような副詞句を使うことももちろん可能ですが、英語としてはやや不自然で、同格を用いた場合と同じ効果は生まれません。「同格」の用例については、セクション496でも取り上げています。





By providing the layer made of vibration-resistant material with the first and the second regions, material with high vibration resistance effect can be laminated on the first region, and material that is suitable for welding the cutting chip can be laminated on the second region, thereby secure brazing can be achieved.


By virtue of providing a layer that is made of vibration-esistant material with first and second regions, a material with a high level of vibration resistance effects can be laminated on the first region, and a material that is suitable for welding the cutting chip can be laminated on the second region. In consequence, brazing can be achieved with a degree of certitude.





Furthermore, from 2002, additional opportunities in both Japan and overseas were afforded to female employees, by virtue of initiatives such as increasing the number of management positions available for women to occupy, and by posting female employees on assignments as overseas representatives.





We have been marketing products under the names of Z, corresponding to A, and Y, corresponding to B. Both types of product have acquired high reputations among our customers, Z being recognized as making a significant contribution to energy saving, specifically to reductions in levels of emissions of carbon dioxide gases, and Y being recognized as contributing to appreciable reductions in costs, by virtue of the thinness of the resultant products.





Let us do our best to make your company’s move into Japan a success as we use all of Z-sha’s networks to convey your true corporate image to the market and to customers and partners.


Let us do our best to make your company’s move into Japan a success, by virtue of all of Z-sha’s networks so as to convey your true corporate image to the market, to your potential customers and to your potential partners.

の方が良いでしょう。「As we use all of」では力強さがなく、強調効果も不十分ですが、「by virtue of」を使うことによって適切な強調感が出ます。もう1つのポイントは、同社が様々な市場区分で顧客を支援できるということを強調する上で、前置詞「to」の繰り返しが非常に効果的であるということです。この一節は、パンフレットに掲載される予定のものでしたが、修正後の言い回しは、スピーチとしても適切です。




with recent advances in international logistics

as a result of recent advances in international logistics


Thanks to recent advances in international logistics the establishment of advanced food distribution networks has been made possible.





During the period starting from the end of World War II until today, Japan was able to revitalize herself at the hands of the USA.


During the period between the end of World War II and the present, Japan has been able to stage an economic recovery as a result of the assistance received from the U.S.A. (あるいは「with the assistance of the U.S.A」)

くらいに訳した方が良いでしょう。「At the hands of」という表現は、「defeat at the hands of the U.S.A.」のように不本意な行為という文脈で使用することが不可欠ですので、「おかげで」の訳としては不適切です。




to make a contribution to society by dint of resource-savings and energy-reductions

くらいが最良の翻訳と言えそうです。「By means of」も許容範囲ですが、「by dint of」を使うことにより、同社が環境関連活動に注いできた努力と払ってきた犠牲の大きさが強調されます。


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