424. 「このままでは」他
If we carry on as at present, we will certainly go into decline.
This was the way in which matters developed, and if we had simply allowed such a situation to drift, we would have ended up disintegrating into thin air.
と訳すのが、意訳ながらも適切です。「このままでは」の英訳には特に注意が必要であり、優秀な翻訳者なら、辞書に載っている「as it is」という表現を使って良しとはせず、文脈全体を見て適切な表現を探すでしょう。
It is just possible that we can survive, as we are, for about ten years.
425. 「そのまま」
the action of Z in the right-left direction is transmitted to the cam as it is
the action of Z in a right and left direction is per se transmitted to the cam
の方がはるかに適切かつ自然です。「per se」はラテン語起源の表現ですが、特許出願書において広く使用されており、本例においても極めて好適です。
426. 「逆に」
We must now take steps to reverse this trend, and make this business one of our principal strengths.
However, if we turn this argument upside down, we can argue that, on the contrary, this state of affairs is one of our strengths.