496. 文の構造、原因と結果、反復、同格、総称名詞


Since use of method A fails to attain this objective, the potential of method B ought to be investigated.

Because B cannot reach the required standard of proficiency, the ability of C should be examined.

As the approach taken by C is inconsistent with the policy of the Government, the potential for using the method recommended by D ought to be explored.

また、「A result from B」、「A is caused by B」、「A lead to B」などのシンプルな表現もあります。


The new product failed to meet market standards; a disappointing outcome that led to a rapid drop in the profits of the company.

B also failed, a setback resulting in an unfortunate situation in which our company was forced to review its entire arrangements.

There were A, B, and C, results that suggest that … .




it is believed that …, which decreased the combustion temperature


it is believed that …, and that this led to a decrease in the combustion temperature


it is believed that …, a development (あるいは「a situation」) that led to a decrease in the combustion temperature


同格のシンプルながら重要な例として、「用紙パッケージの使用時には、蓋部の差込部が外装部の第一係合 スリットに差し込まれて…」という一節を英訳するなら、

upon use of the sheet package, the insertion portion of the lid portion of the sheet package, which is inserted into the first engagement slit of the first sheath portion, is …


at a time when a sheet package is used, the insert portion of the lid portion of the sheet package, an insert portion which is inserted into the first engagement slit of the first sheath portion, is …

の方が適切です。この例では、スリットに差し込まれるのが、蓋部でも用紙パッケージでもなく差込部(insert portion)であることを極めて明確に伝えるのに、「insert portion」の繰り返しが不可欠です。


Our understanding is that the original technology has been transferred to your own company, a company that, we understand, represents the fruits of a joint venture agreement between A-company and B-company.

が適切です。この書面は確実なことを述べているわけではないので、「company」の反復と「we understand」の挿入によって、和文の持つ意味合いもトーンも適切に伝えることができます。加えてこの文は、「which」を使うのが適切でない文の好例でもあります。この文書の受取人である当該企業の社長に同社の背景事情を伝える目的で「which」を使う必要はありませんし、失礼にあたるでしょう。


We have developed a system to protect all employees in the Group at the time of a disaster, and that also cooperates with local communities.


We have developed a system (あるいは「a structure」) that is designed to protect all employees in the Group at times of disaster, a system (あるいは「a structure」) with which we can also cooperate with local communities.

が適訳です。全く異なる2つの目的語を一文の中で伝えるためには、「a system」を繰り返すことが、シンプルでありながら効果的です。

「今後の独日の国際産学連携、人材交流・技術交流を一層推進するため、相互に配慮すべきこと、協調すべきこと、知悉しておくべきことは何かを、現状での状況、課題を踏まえつつ、明らかにするための一助として、訪問聞き取り調査を行うこととしたい。」という一文を英訳するなら、It is against such a background that, in order to promote even further international collaboration between industrial circles and academic institutions in Germany and Japan, and in order to foster both human and technological exchanges; and as one method of clarifying areas in which the two parties need to pay particular attention to the concerns of the other party, areas where collaboration is necessary, and areas where there is still scope for a more profound degree of mutual understanding; and as one way of taking into account the various issues involved, it is now desired to conduct research on the spot, by means of visits and interviews.


この一文は、複数の情報が入り混じった複雑な和文の好例です。この英訳には特筆すべき点が3つあり、1つ目はシンプルな方法ですが、セミコロンを使って内容を分けることです。大きくは、「exchanges」までの概要部と、その後に続く詳細部とに分けます。2つ目もシンプルですが、文末の方の「research on the spot」と「by means of visits and interviews」との間にコンマを打つことです。このコンマによって、承認を求めている訪問のその目的という、この文全体で最も重要な点を強調できます。



Z-company enjoys a high share of markets for products that constitute the basis on which Japanese electronics industries have been built, products related to office machinery such as photocopiers and facsimile machines, and products related to audio-visual equipment; and our products have also been widely accepted in world markets.


この文も比較的複雑な構造をしています。冒頭の例文と同様、セミコロンを使って、文を大きく2つの要素に分けるのが有効です。そして最も重要なのが同格の使用です。この訳文では、「products」を3回使い、2回目と3回目の「products」によって、この文の主要素である「products that constitute the basis on which Japanese electronics industries have been built」をさらに細かく限定しています。

「今後の独日の国際産学連携、人材交流・技術交流を一層推進するため、相互に配慮すべきこと、協調すべきこと、知悉しておくべきことは何かを、現状での状況、課題を踏まえつつ、明らかにするための一助として、訪問聞き取り調査を行うこととしたい。」という一文を英訳するなら、It is against such a background that, in order to promote even further international collaboration between industrial circles and academic institutions in Germany and Japan, and in order to foster both human and technological exchanges; and as one method of clarifying areas in which the two parties need to pay particular attention to the concerns of the other party, areas where collaboration is necessary, and areas where there is still scope for a more profound degree of mutual understanding; and as one way of taking into account the various issues involved, it is now desired to conduct research on the spot, by means of visits and interviews.


この一文は、複数の情報が入り混じった複雑な和文の好例です。この英訳には特筆すべき点が3つあり、1つ目はシンプルな方法ですが、セミコロンを使って内容を分けることです。大きくは、「exchanges」までの概要部と、その後に続く詳細部とに分けます。2つ目もシンプルですが、文末の方の「research on the spot」と「by means of visits and interviews」との間にコンマを打つことです。このコンマによって、承認を求めている訪問のその目的という、この文全体で最も重要な点を強調できます。



Z-company enjoys a high share of markets for products that constitute the basis on which Japanese electronics industries have been built, products related to office machinery such as photocopiers and facsimile machines, and products related to audio-visual equipment; and our products have also been widely accepted in world markets.


この文も比較的複雑な構造をしています。冒頭の例文と同様、セミコロンを使って、文を大きく2つの要素に分けるのが有効です。そして最も重要なのが同格の使用です。この訳文では、「products」を3回使い、2回目と3回目の「products」によって、この文の主要素である「products that constitute the basis on which Japanese electronics industries have been built」をさらに細かく限定しています。


The detailed description of the invention of the present application substantially discloses only the device related to the laser position-specifying device for finding out the place in the human body where radioactivity is arising.


The detailed description of the invention of the present application in practice discloses only a device that corresponds to a laser position-determining device, a device designed to locate a position in a human body where radioactivity is occurring.

の方が適切です。同格を用いて「a device」を繰り返した2番目の訳文の方が、「for」を使った最初の訳文よりも自然かつ効果的です。


X, Y and Z workshops are planned, and plans have also been drawn up to publish in 2008 a Handbook directed at technicians working in power generation, a publication that will reflect the results of all these initiatives.

が適切です。この例文で特筆すべきは、後続の名詞「a publication」が先行する名詞「a Handbook」と同一ではないという点です。しかし、両者の関係が明らかであることから問題はありませんし、表現という観点から、関連性を持つ別の語で言い換えた方が好ましい場合もあります。


You may well wonder why there was to be another change of generation. The simple explanation for this was the propensity for automobile manufacturers to form groupings, a trend that began some ten years ago.

が適切です。自然な英訳となるポイントは、「which」よりもはるかに優れた「a trend」という簡潔な同格の語の使用です。「a trend」という表現自体は曖昧ですが、日本語の「これは10年前ほどから」と同種の強調感を英語で効果的に伝えることができます。

…という不具合が生じる」という一節を「…, which is a fault」と誤訳する日本人翻訳者がいますが、同格表現を使って、

…, an arrangement that is sometimes disadvantageous


Such an arrangement constitutes a disadvantage.


This poses a problem.



いかにも複雑そうでどことなく曖昧な訳しにくい一文です。英語では、「によって」までを主部とみなしますが、「The Japanese economy, which etc.」などと単純に訳しても、十分とは言えません。「the Japanese economy」は、列挙された具体的要因をすべて包含してはいますが、シンプルに一文で表現するには、複雑な要因が多過ぎます。最善かつ唯一の現実的な解決策は、この長文を分けて、Following the collapse of the bubble economy there had been a cooling down of domestic demand within the Japanese economy; deflation was prevelant; financial institutions were faced with problems created by bad debts; there had been a rapid appreciation of the Japanese yen; share prices had fallen; and all this was contributing to the protraction of a state of sluggishness within the economy.


この訳文には特筆すべき点が多く、セミコロンを使って、様々な要素を分けることが最善策ではありますが、各要素に十分に注意を払う必要があります。「漢字文化」と異なり、「cooling down and deflation」では、「冷え込みやデフレ」の訳語として十分とは言えず、各要素は短くても、セミコロンで区切って処理しなければなりません。さらに、この訳文で最も重要な表現は「and all this」で、文頭から「and all this」直前までの内容をすべてまとめることのできる適切な表現です。もう少し改まった表現を使うなら、「and a combination of all these factors」が良いでしょう。

また、各要素の時制にも十分に注意を払う必要があります。この文の結末は、今ひとつぱっとしない「低迷を続けていた」という継続した状態であり、こうした状態に至った原因には、それ以前の具体的な出来事があります。このような状況を述べるのに、英語では時制が重要な役割を果たします。この例では、主節動詞として、過去進行時制「was contributing」が使われていますが、この状態に至った各要因については、いくつかの時制が組み合わせられており、

there had been a cooling down of domestic demand
there had been a rapid appreciation of the Japanese yen
share prices had fallen


deflation was prevelant
financial institutions were faced problems

には過去時制が使われています。「cooling down (冷え込み)」、「rapid appreciation (急激な円高)」、「falls in share prices (株価の下落)」などは一時的な事象であることから過去完了時制、「deflation that was still prevalent (デフレ)」および「problems that were still being faced by financial institutions (不良債権問題)」は継続的な状態であることから過去時制というわけです。



The leading automobile manufacturers in the world also brought under their wing other automobile manufacturers that possessed special features in terms of either brand or technology, and, in the process of so doing, these leading manufacturers were also establishing global structures of their own.

と訳すのが適切です。「in the process of」(セクション318も参照)は非常に便利な前置詞句ですし、「were establishing」は過去進行時制の好例といえるでしょう。


この文も、2つの主要素の連結方法と「を機に」の処理方法が難しいところです。推移を表す表現として、「sparked」や「triggered」、もう少し簡潔に「led to」を使うのが自然でしょう。したがって、

The arrival on the scene of major component manufacturers not only sparked a flourish of acquisitions of Japanese component manufacturers by European and United States manufacturers but also triggered (あるいは「led to」) a momentum within Japan towards restructuring aimed at producing companies that were capable of becoming suppliers to a global system.




From the second half of the 1990s, as a means of survival, automobile manufactures in Europe and the United States of America also became involved in mergers and acquisitions. The drama in 1998 surrounding the merger of Daimler-Benz and Chrysler, a merger that triggered this series of subsequent mergers and acquisitions, astounded the entire world.



Automobile manufacturers that created an intensified level of international competition in this fashion are now developing global strategies targeted at countries such as China, Brazil and India, countries that have already embarked on the path towards motorization.



A and B agreed to terminate as of May 31, 2008 the agreement of commissioning of after services for home bakeries in the United States of America, which agreement was made and entered into between the parties in March 2000.


A and B companies have agreed to terminate, as of May 31, 2008, their agreement relating to commissioning of after-sales services for home bakeries sold in the United States of America, an agreement that had been made and entered into between the two parties in March 2000.



In order for companies to compete in global markets, strong pressure is being applied on managements that are increasingly expected to operate in accordance with rules and regulations that are common to the entire world, rules and regulations that seek to place emphasis on factors such as harmonization with the international community, achieving transparency of management and a style of management that places emphasis on international solidarity.

と訳すのが適切です。自然な英訳となるポイントは、やはり、「rules and regulations」というフレーズの繰り返しです。

利益の追求ばかりではなく、法令順守、環境保護、消費者保護、労働環境などの社会的な局面においても、バランスのとれた責任を果たすべきとするCSR (企業の社会的な責任)の考え方も重要視され始めた。」


The importance of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility has also gradually been given increasing emphasis, a concept that rejects the notion that enterprises should strive only to make profits and that gives prominence to the obligation of companies to exercise their responsibilities in a balanced manner over a range of social issues, including respect for laws and regulations, protection of the environment, protection of the interests of consumers and the quality of the working environment.

でしょう。この例文では「concept」がキーワードです。また、「利益の追求ばかりではなく」という簡潔な日本語表現を英語で自然に伝える「rejects the notion」という便利な表現も注目に値します。



X Company has operated against a background of dramatic changes on a global scale, changes of a nature that have affected the market environment, global environmental issues, corporate senses of values, and indeed the very roles that enterprises now need to play. X Company has in the process overcome a variety of obstacles, and has consistently taken up new challenges with its eyes firmly focused on the future.



They made a start on a package of reforms designed to reinforce the corporate base, reforms that included the expansion of production facilities overseas, and the promotion of the development of new technologies and new products.


利益の追求ばかりではなく、法令順守、環境保護、消費者保護、労働環境などの社会的な局面においても、バランスのとれた責任を果たすべきとするCSR (企業の社会的な責任)の考え方も重要視され始めた。」

自然な英訳となるポイントは、主節(「CSRの考え方も重要視され始めた」)と従属節(「べきとする」の前まで)とを分ける「べきとする」をどう処理するかです。ここでも、「関係代名詞の制限用法」が適切です。妥当と言える翻訳案を挙げるなら、The importance of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility has also gradually been given increasing emphasis, a concept that rejects the notion that enterprises should strive only to make profits and that gives prominence to the obligation of companies to exercise their responsibilities in a balanced manner over a range of social issues, including respect for laws and regulations, protection of the environment, protection of the interests of consumers and the quality of the working environment.

でしょう。この例文では「concept」がキーワードです。また、「利益の追求ばかりではなく」という簡潔な日本語表現を英語で自然に伝える「rejects the notion」という便利な表現も注目に値します。



X Company has operated against a background of dramatic changes on a global scale, changes of a nature that have affected the market environment, global environmental issues, corporate senses of values, and indeed the very roles that enterprises now need to play. X Company has in the process overcome a variety of obstacles, and has consistently taken up new challenges with its eyes firmly focused on the future.



They made a start on a package of reforms designed to reinforce the corporate base, reforms that included the expansion of production facilities overseas, and the promotion of the development of new technologies and new products.



この一文を英訳する上でのポイントは、「new enterprise」の繰り返しです。「a new enterprise」を節頭に置いて、新しい事業の創出を強調し、その後にその詳細を述べます。したがって、The automobile industry in Japan had reached the stage of maturity, and in consequence a new enterprise needed to be created, a new enterprise that would pursue ideas that went beyond the norms of the past, and that would seek to produce its own individualistic technology and know-how.



in the area of housing-related business, the intention was to aim for an expansion of business by responding to demands for a high quality of life-style, an area that was already displaying signs of growth, and to develop, on the basis of scientific research into both styles of living and health issues, a range of activities directly linked to end-users

が適切です。特筆すべき点は、「demands for a high quality of life-style」と「関係代名詞の制限用法」「that was already displaying signs of growth」との間に「area」という語を使用した点です。「demands」を繰り返すのではなく、「area」を使った方が、「豊かな暮らし」という意味合いを英語で適切にまとめる総称名詞として好ましいでしょう。その他、使われている文法技法は、名詞を反復するこれまでの例と同様です。


Emphasis was also placed on activities such as fostering new businesses that provided energy- and service-related appliances for domestic use, appliances that needed to be developed with the requirements of end-users in mind.




In 2003 Z-Company established a Crisis Management Committee, a body designed to handle questions of risk management throughout the company.

といったところでしょう。この例において特筆すべきは、「a Crisis Management Committee」が「a body」に言い換えられているという点です。


In 2006 ‘Global Vision’ was launched, a special project affecting the entire company, a three-year plan designed to reform the management structure of the Company.



As a result of this initiative, 20 different items of core technology, or new manufacturing methods, were developed including a small scale light-weight motor and precision pressing technology, all in all an initiative that made a significant contribution to the competitiveness of the company’s products and to reductions in costs.

が適切です。「all in all an initiative」は、やや変わった表現ですが、「関係代名詞の非制限用法」の導入に効果的です。


The Revival Plan is a reconstruction plan of Nissan Motor designed to enable the company to make profits on a continuous basis throughout the world, and thus continue to grow, a revival plan based essentially on restoring management of the company to normal, by virtue of promoting the expansion of business and the development of new products, by restoring the Nissan brand, by enhancing the company’s share of markets and by reducing costs.



In the mid-1990s the Japanese automobile industry experienced a period of major transformation, a period that coincided with changes to political and economic structures throughout the world.



In the USA, Japanese manufacturers had, as one, begun to expand local production, and to raise their levels of local procurement, an approach dictated by the friction prevailing between U.S. and Japanese automobile manufacturers, and by the rapid appreciation of the Japanese yen.

が適切です。この例において、ポイントとなるのは「an approach dictated by」というフレーズで、「関係代名詞の制限用法」を使って、主節の内容に至った経緯を提示することができます。


情報を多数含む和文の例ですが、「関係代名詞の制限用法」と「joint venture」という語句の繰り返しによって、自然な英訳が可能です。したがって、

In order to reinforce for the future a base that was already a core area of business, Z-Company went ahead with a joint venture business with X-Company, to be undertaken on a long-term basis, both domestically in Japan and internationally, a joint venture concluded for purposes such as sharing technology, mainly based on Y-products, and for purposes of taking mutual advantage of the overseas production strongholds of both companies.


「世界各地での生産体制を拡充するうえで、世界全体で見た経営資源の最適活用や地域特性を見極めたリスク回避が重要になってきた。」という一文を英訳するなら、同格を用いて「avoidance of risk」を繰り返すのが有効です。したがって、

It had also become clear that avoidance of risk had become important, avoidance of risk by means of expanding and perfecting production systems in various parts of the world, by paying careful attention to the most appropriate use of management resources as seen in global terms, as well as by taking regional characteristics into account.



という一文を英訳するなら、同格を用いて「avoidance of risk」を繰り返すのが有効です。したがって、It had also become clear that avoidance of risk had become important, avoidance of risk by means of expanding and perfecting production systems in various parts of the world, by paying careful attention to the most appropriate use of management resources as seen in global terms, as well as by taking regional characteristics into account.



Business had been expanded by means of a positive approach towards developing activities overseas in the shape of expanding and seeking to perfect overseas strongholds, a process that had started with Z-Company itself, and then extended to various companies within the Z-Group.

が適切です。自然な英訳となるポイントは、文頭から「strongholds」までの内容を一言でまとめた「a process」という語の使用です。また、「積極的な海外展開」の内容を具体的に提示するために用いた「in the shape of」という語句も重要でしょう。その他、「もとより」という日本語表現を自然かつ正確に英語で伝えるにはかなりの労力を要しますし、「拡充」という漢字表現を成す各々の文字の意味を英語で伝えるには語数を要します。


The company was hit by a storm and a change of environment of a nature that had never previously been experienced in the past, the so-called ‘restructuring of the industry.’

が妥当です。この「and」は省略することもでき、省略すると第2の同格が導入されることになります。ただし、この文における一番のポイントは、「of a nature that」と、文頭からの内容を一言で表す呼称「restructuring of the industry」の使用です。


という一文を英訳するなら、同格を用いて「avoidance of risk」を繰り返すのが有効です。したがって、It had also become clear that avoidance of risk had become important, avoidance of risk by means of expanding and perfecting production systems in various parts of the world, by paying careful attention to the most appropriate use of management resources as seen in global terms, as well as by taking regional characteristics into account.



Business had been expanded by means of a positive approach towards developing activities overseas in the shape of expanding and seeking to perfect overseas strongholds, a process that had started with Z-Company itself, and then extended to various companies within the Z-Group.

が適切です。自然な英訳となるポイントは、文頭から「strongholds」までの内容を一言でまとめた「a process」という語の使用です。また、「積極的な海外展開」の内容を具体的に提示するために用いた「in the shape of」という語句も重要でしょう。その他、「もとより」という日本語表現を自然かつ正確に英語で伝えるにはかなりの労力を要しますし、「拡充」という漢字表現を成す各々の文字の意味を英語で伝えるには語数を要します。


The company was hit by a storm and a change of environment of a nature that had never previously been experienced in the past, the so-called ‘restructuring of the industry.’

が妥当です。この「and」は省略することもでき、省略すると第2の同格が導入されることになります。ただし、この文における一番のポイントは、「of a nature that」と、文頭からの内容を一言で表す呼称「restructuring of the industry」の使用です。


Japanese automobile manufacturers increasingly made forceful demands on component manufacturers in respect of technological backing, demands centered on on-site support services including in-house design, evaluations of the performances of components within vehicles manufactured, and residence engineering.


この例文で特筆すべきは、「demands」を繰り返して関係代名詞の制限用法を用いる点、「求められる」を「it was demanded」などと受動態で英訳するのではなく能動態を用いる点、そして、「実車評価」という簡潔な日本語表現を「actual use evaluation」などと曖昧に直訳するのではなく丁寧に英訳する点です。


In 2006 Z-Company commenced production of pumps, products in respect of which Z-Company was already highly trusted, products that were competitive in Europe, and products for which there was already a strong demand from customers.



In 2002 A-Company, which had up to then been a sales company, transferred from S to M, a move that enabled A-Company to perform a new role as a production base for automobile components.

が適切です。自然な英訳となるポイントは、関係代名詞の非制限用法ならびに同格を用いて主節動詞「transferred」を「a move」と言い換えた点です。


As a result of all these activities, new products appeared on the scene one after the other, products that were invariably a step ahead of merchandise produced by rival companies.



Toyota Motor Corporation made demands of automobile component manufacturers for revolutionary changes to products, changes designed to achieve for Toyota the strongest competitive position in the world in terms of products procured.



By virtue of applying this system to all activities related to the enhancement of safety, of quality-control, and of productivity, activities implemented in all of its factories, Z-Company was able to train, and to allocate, the human resources regarded as essential to respond to progress in the market, and also to cope with demands imposed by developments in overseas markets that were growing rapidly.



At such a stage our own corporate view is that it is vitally important to promote much more widespread use of calcium silicate products, products that are capable of responding to the requirements for security in the global environment and for substantial reductions in the consumption of energy, aspirations that are of course being voiced, nay demanded, throughout the world.

が良いでしょう。この文では同格が2組使われています。1組目は、「calcium silicate products (ケイ酸カルシウム製品)」を補足説明する「products」の繰り返し、2組目は、「the requirements for security in the global environment and for substantial reductions in the consumption of energy (地球環境保全、省エネルギーのための要求)」を要約する「aspirations」です。

「aspirations」は、「the requirements for security in the global environment and for substantial reductions in the consumption of energy」を一言で述べるのに適切な語であり、「responding to aspirations that are being voiced」という英語表現も自然かつ標準的です。

その他、この例における「まさしく世界の要求」という表現は、かなり強調された表現ですが、「voiced, nay demanded」という英語表現がその日本語の本質的な意味を意外にもきちんと要約しています。

「nay」は「or rather (というよりむしろ)」を意味し、一般的な語彙で述べられている所感が文の「途中で」強調されます。極めて使用頻度の低い語ですが、強調を加えるのに有効な場合が多いでしょう。


In lieu of activities designed to secure improvements to individual products, and to individual production lines, improvements began to be directed towards the entirety of multiple processes in respect of each individual type of product, processes extending from the molding stage to the machining stage, and onto the assembly stage.



By virtue of working out the strictest of benchmarks, and a succession of new engineering methods, Z-Company achieved success in working out the most appropriate methods of manufacture, and in the preparation of the most appropriate concept drawings, the most appropriate, in both cases, as seen from the points of view of design and production technology.

といったところでしょう。簡潔な和文の内容を伝えるには、比較的長くて複雑な英文が求められます。この例では、「most appropriate」を3回繰り返すのが効果的な英訳のポイントです。


A new set of standards was established, up-to date, appropriate to global conditions, and at the same time a set of standards to which it was possible to conform in practical terms.

が適切です。この文も、「set of standards」を繰り返して、関係代名詞の制限用法を用いる例です。


In 2006 an Energy Laboratory was opened within the confines of the X-Experimental Station, a laboratory that now serves as a facility in which some 120 staff are able to devote themselves to development work.



In 2002 a new ‘Environmental Committee’ was established effectively a merging of the ‘Global Environment Committee,’ which had thus far been the primary body responsible for protection of the environment, with activities that were designed to promote the protection of the regional environment, and that had been conducted since before the time of the ‘Global Environment Committee.’



a company that can make a contribution towards the achievement of harmony between human beings and the earth, a state of harmony that can then extend into the future

が適切です。自然な英訳となるポイントは、「harmony」の繰り返しであり、後続の「a state of harmony」という言い換えによって、さらに優れた英訳に仕上がっています。


Moreover, it is essential that all our employees in various countries of the world appreciate the meaning and the merits of our ‘Culture of Craftsmanship,’ a philosophy that Z-Company has nurtured ever since its establishment; and also that they put into practice this philosophy in the course of their daily activities.

が適切です。この文は、「Culture of Craftsmanship」を「philosophy」と自然に言い換えて、関係代名詞の制限用法を用いた好例です。単純な構造とは言えない和文が自然な英訳に仕上がっています。


All of Cited References 1 to 3 describe that a sequence of frames including predictable frames containing picture regions and accessible frames are supplied, and the picture region of at least one predictable frame is encoded by referring to the accessible frame located at two or more preceding position in said sequence.


Each of the Cited References 1 to 3 contains a description to the effect that a sequence of frames containing picture regions is provided, a sequence of frames which includes both predictable frames and accessible frames; and also to the effect that the picture region of at least one predictable frame is encoded by reference to accessible frames located at two or more preceding positions in such a sequence.

の方が正確です。最初の英訳はほぼ良いのですが、重大な誤りが1つあります。「予測フレーム」と「参照可能フレーム」の両方が「ピクチャー領域」を含んでいることが和文から判断できるので、最初の訳文の「a sequence of frames including predictable frames containing picture regions and accessible frames」という表現は誤りです。「ピクチャー領域を含むフレームであって」という意味合いを忠実に訳し、「予測フレーム」と「参照可能フレーム」の両方が「ピクチャー領域」を含むということを明確に伝えることが重要です。また、自然な英訳となるポイントは、「a sequence of frames」という語句の繰り返しです。


A is located at the right end of a range in which it can move with respect to the guide supporting block.


A is positioned at the right end of the range, a position at which it can move relative to the guide-supporting block.

が適切です。文脈から判断して、Aが位置するのは、案内指示ブロックに対して移動できる「範囲にわたって(throughout a range)」ではなく、「その範囲の右端(at the right end of the range)」つまり「その範囲の右端のある位置(at a certain position at the right end of the range)」です。しかし、最初の英訳では、Aの位置が案内指示ブロックに対して移動できる範囲にわたっているかのような印象を与えてしまい、著しく誤解を招くおそれがあります。


Make progress in the direction of ‘sustainable development,’ a concept which obliges us to conduct our activities within a framework of being capable of protecting the earth’s environment, not only from an immediate point of view, but as seen to be in the interests of future generations.



the environmental audits conducted by Z-Company, a tool designed to assess the economic viability of activities being undertaken to protect the environment


「ECUの 取り扱い時、車両組み付け時には、必要以上の衝撃を与えないよう、十分注意するようお願いします。内部要素 が破損する恐れがあります。」という一文を英訳するなら、

Make sure that minimal shock is given to the ECU during handling and assembling to a vehicle to avoid physical damage to the internal elements.


In order to avoid physical damage to its internal elements, please ensure that the ECU is subjected to a minimum of shock during handling and assembly onto a vehicle.

の方が適切です。この例文のように二文に分かれている和文を一文にまとめて英訳する場合には、最終的な目的をまず提示した上で、その目的を達成する方法を具体的に挙げる方がはるかに好ましいでしょう。最初の英訳は、「ECU」よりも「vehicle (車両)」の方が「the internal element (内部要素)」と位置的に近いために、文法的には「vehicle (車両)」が「the internal element (内部要素)」と結び付き得るという問題を呈しています。


Hold the ECUs securely while they are hand-carried to avoid dropping so that product performance can be maintained at the time of shipment from the plant.

よりも、最終的な目的をまず提示して、In order that product performance can be maintained at times of shipments from plants, hold the ECUs securely while they are being hand-carried, and take care to avoid dropping them.



We shall actively and continuously involve ourselves in protecting the environment of our community as well as the society in general, aiming at enhancing the quality of the global environment.


With the aim of making our contribution towards enhancing the quality of the global environment, we shall take a positive approach towards, and seek to remain involved in, activities designed to protect the environment of our community, as well as that of society in general.


「in turn」という表現も、原因と結果を述べる文において特に有効です。「埃などの異物、水、湿気により、コネクター端子に錆が発生し、ECU機能が正しく動かなくなる恐れがあります。」という一文を英訳するなら、

Foreign matter such as dust, water, and moisture may cause rusting of the terminal, which may result in ECU malfunction.


There is a danger that foreign matter such as dust, water, and moisture may cause rusting of the terminal, and that this may in turn result in the ECU no longer being able to function correctly.



My predecessor as Company President created a business that is supported by a vast number of customers, an enterprise that was built up in the days when we were all pioneering the foam plastic industry. I …

が妥当です。原文の和文はやや曖昧で、「業界の草分け(pioneering an industry)」、「事業開拓(building up a business)」、「多くのお客様による支援(being supported by many customers)」という3つの異なる要素がつなぎ合わされていますが、訳文は同格を効果的に使用したわかりやすい例に仕上がっています。細かい点ですが、お客様の支援は継続していることが和文で示唆されていますので、「was supported」ではなく、「is supported」と英訳する方がはるかに好ましいでしょう。その他の表現として、

Thanks to the support of a vast number of customers, my predecessor as Company President created our business in an era in which we were all pioneering the foam plastic industry. I …



Removed coating causes to promote rusting which disables ECU to maintain water tightness resulting in non-function of ECU on the coating removed part. …


The removal of the coating causes rusting on the affected part, of a nature which prevents the ECU from remaining impervious to water. In consequence, a danger arises of the ECU’s no longer being capable of functioning correctly. Accordingly, on receipt of ECUs, please be extremely cautious in handling.

が適切です。最初の訳文はかなりの手直しが必要ですが、重要な修正点は、「of a nature」というフレーズを用いて自然な因果関係を表しているということです。

その他、同格の用例については、「好適な状況および不本意な状況と含意(6): 『~のおかげ』と、『by virtue of』、『thanks to』、および『by dint of』の使い分け(2)」でも取り上げています。


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