495. 文の構造、語順の転換と強調


「2006年度に過去最高益に匹敵する300億円を上げることができたの も、この事業部制の成果であった。」という一文を英訳するなら、語順を転換して、

It was by virtue of this business department system that in the 2006 Financial year the company registered an operating profit of \30,000 million, at the time its highest level of profit on record.



Automobiles are presently spewing their exhaust CO2 in the air.


It is a reality (あるいは「fact」) that automobiles constantly spew their exhaust CO2 into the air.



In the process of (あるいは「in the course of」) making such profits, the company also had to overcome obstacles created by the excessive appreciation of the yen around 1995.


Overcoming obstacles created by the excessive appreciation of the yen around 1995, the company made such profits.



It was in 2002 that this company constructed the X-Proving Ground, a facility containing a high-speed circuit.



As the heat sensitive paper, heat sensitive coloring type having a coloring layer which generates color when heated by the thermal head, heat sensitive boring type in which boring layer is overlaid on a base material layer, the boring layer being bored when heated and other types are available.


Available for use as the heat sensitive paper are various types including a heat sensitive coloring type that has a coloring layer which generates color when heated by the thermal head, and a heat sensitive boring type in which a boring layer is overlaid on a base material layer, and in which the boring layer is then bored at a time that it is heated.

の方がはるかに適切です。最初の訳文には、文法的な間違いがいくつか見受けられますし、前置詞「as」と動詞句(述部)「are available」が離れすぎです。この例文では、まず語順を入れ替えることが、自然な英訳を作るうえで有効です。


Comparisons of this kind constantly have to be made. My personal angle on this (好ましさという点でやや劣るものの「my personal view」でも良い) is that matters progress smoothly only after degrees of priority and importance have once been set.

が適切です。適切な訳文に仕上げるためには、二文目の情報提示順序の転換および「only after」という表現の使用が重要です。


What is therefore essential is that methods of inspection are incorporated into manufacturing processes in such a way that inspections can be conducted without fail.


スピーチにおける「…果たしていきたいと考えております」という一節を英訳するなら、大胆な語順の転換が効果的な場合もあります。「my intention is that we …」と訳すのが一案です。


I am not seeking to lay down the law, or telling you simply to obey orders; such a method would be more appropriate in the Armed Services.



From now on there will be no growth unless we put the world in our sights, take the initiative and move into areas where markets exist.



In reality the collection of objets d’art had to all intents and purposes remained in obscurity.


The truth is that the collection of objets d’art had to all intents and purposes remained in obscurity.



Today, ‘food’ is strongly required to offer not only deliciousness but also functionality and safety to human health.


We now live in an era in which ‘food’ is not only extensively expected to provide us with delicious tastes but also widely regarded as a mean of maintaining good health and retaining a sense of security.



There is a chance now to get into the Japanese market and build a brand name.


Now is the time to move into the Japanese market, and to build a brand name.



The body is what your parents nurture and the mind is what your teachers nurture.


It is the parents who nurture the body but it is a teacher that nurtures the mind.

の方がはるかに適切です。この文では、語順を転換するよりも、「it is」を2度使った方が、和文が持つ強調感が出ます。


The Z-series with low pressure loss realized by the cylindrical flow route without any protruding sections will be released.


Being put onto the market is a Z-series with the merits of a low level of pressure loss that is achieved by means of a cylindrical flow route in which there are no protruding sections and which is accordingly durable.

の方がはるかに好適かつ自然です。最初の訳文は、深く考えずに「直訳」したように見えますし、主語「Z-series」と述部「will be released」とがあまりにも離れすぎています。語順を転換し、「いよいよ発売です」を英訳の冒頭に持ってくることによって、明らかにわかりやすい訳文に仕上がるでしょう。また、現在進行時制 を用いた「being put on the market」という表現は、「いよいよ」の意味合いを伝えるのに適切であり、和文と同等の時間的な曖昧さも備えています。さらに、「with the merits of」という表現も、和文の持つ肯定的な強調感を出しており、Zシリーズの利点を宣伝する文脈全体において重要働きをしています。


Contact of the sensor with the fluid is not necessary for measurement.


Measurements can be made without the need for contact between the sensor and the fluid.


語順転換のシンプルな例として、「何をやるかというと」に相当する英語表現は、「what we have in mind is」が適切です。

「A剤に対する副作用が認められたが、 患者の中には痛みが軽減し、全般的な生活の質の改善が見られた者もいた 。」という一文を英訳するなら、

Adverse reactions to drug A were observed. However, pain was relieved and overall quality of life was improved in some of the patients.


Adverse reactions to drug A were observed. However, in the cases of some of the patients, pain was relieved and overall quality of life was improved.

の方がやや優れているでしょう。この文は、和文と同じ順序で訳した方がはるかに良い例です。「however」で始まる二文目の英文は、一部の患者に限定した所見ですから、まずはその前提を提示して、A剤を投与した患者の一部について述べるということを文頭で明確にするのが最善の方策です。最初の訳文が抱える最大の問題は、「in some of the patients (患者の一部に)」が迷子になってしまうことです。「in some of the patients (患者の一部に)」は、「pain was relieved (痛みが軽減した)」と「overall quality of life was improved (全般的な生活の質が改善した)」との両方にかかっているのか、あるいは、「overall quality of life was improved (全般的な生活の質が向上した)」にだけかかっており、文全体として、「A剤を投与した患者全員について痛みが軽減し、A剤を投与した患者の一部について全般的な生活の質が向上した」という意味なのかが、厳に文法的観点から見ると曖昧なままなのです。


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