96. avoidによる否定指示
avoid using this method as far as possible
名詞ではなく動詞の範囲を規定しようとする状況では、「極力」に対して「to the maximum degree」などの表現を使うのではなく、「as far as possible」と訳すのが最も自然です。「as far as possible」は、英語では極めて一般的でありながら、日本人翻訳者がなかなか上手く使いこなせない典型的な語句です。
They say that the amounts of customs duties when importing are approximately 16,000 yen or more at one time, and a method of distributing by dividing into two times is adopted, in order to suppress the custom duties.
The company also indicated that, at times of importing, the amounts of customs duties payable were at least around 16,000 yen on each occasion (あるいは ‘at any one time’), and that the company was accordingly adopting a method of getting around an obligation to pay such customs duties by taking measures such as distributing the products after dividing them into two separate lots.
の方がはるかに好ましく、はるかに正確で自然な翻訳です。「Getting around an obligation」という表現は、「avoiding an obligation」よりもややくだけた言い方です。
In the course of deliberations about X, we have of course been receiving for some time your pleas to avoid at all costs installing the TMPS.