95. 表現とスタイルに関する問題 - 公報、出版物、公式発表、アンケート、通信文



I would suggest that Z-Company will undertake the designing of the machine main body, our company will undertake the designing of metal dies and Z-Company will again undertake the manufacturing.


We suggest that Z-Company might undertake the design of the main body of the machine, that this company undertake the design of the metal dies and that Z-Company then coordinate the overall manufacturing process.


We suggest that Z-Company might undertake the design of the main body of the machine, that this company might undertake the design of the metal dies and that Z-Company might then coordinate the overall manufacturing process.

の方がさらに良いでしょう。和文はややくだけた響きで、情報の省略も見られますが、英訳時に特に重要なのは、丁寧な印象を伝えることです。そのために、動詞「suggest」の後に助動詞「might」を置きました。「might」を3回繰り返すのは好ましい書き方ではありませんが、間違いではありません。might以外の助動詞として、couldを使用し、「We suggest that Z-Company could undertake」と表すこともできますが、依頼という状況では、丁寧な印象を伝える「might」の方が良いでしょう。「it is important to avoid taking anything for granted (何事も当たり前と受け止めないことが大切)」という英語表現があることからも、書き換え後の文は好適です。


Passengers who are travelling to Takayama should please retain the tickets they are holding, and change at Shirakawa village. Please transfer to the bus that leaves Shirakawa village for Takayama at 10.00 a.m. Please bear in mind that the ticket in your possession is not valid for use on any other buses that provide a service from Shirakawa to Takavama. Accordingly, at the time that you change bus, please do ensure that you get on the bus that is leaving for Takayama at 10.00 a m.

が適切です。この一節は、丁寧な指示を英訳するに当たっては、日本語が持つ究極の礼儀正しさを反映しつつ、曖昧にならないようにするために、極めて慎重に表現する必要があることを示す好例です。「Please bear in mind」と「please do ensure that」は、丁寧と毅然を併せ持つ便利な英語表現であり、顧客の利害を守る上で非常に重要です。


When closing the door, be careful not to catch the tassel.


When closing the door, please take care to ensure that the tassel does not get trapped.




「I do again apologize most sincerely for setting out the views of our company in such an unsolicited and one-sided fashion, but we would be most appreciative if you considered yourself in a position to give us the benefit of your views on how, as a leading manufacturer of calcium silicate products, your (esteemed) company views your own situation against the background of recent developments.



It would give me the utmost pleasure if this booklet were widely read, and if it provided as many people as possible with accurate information toward understanding the environment and on our activities to preserve it.


I very much hope that this booklet will be read widely, and that it will provide as many people as possible with an insight into our own understanding of the environment, and into the activities that we are taking to preserve it.



I‘d like to tell you our opinion about


I would like to convey to you our views on



We‘d appreciate it.


We would much appreciate it.

または「We would be much appreciative if



We would like you to explain to us


We would accordingly welcome your guidance, on the basis of Z Law.



It has also been said that building a brand name in Japan from scratch takes considerable amounts of (rather than 「lots of」) money, but entails a risk that in the end it may have no effect whatsoever.


他の状況でも、スタイルとトーンに対する配慮が求められることは少なくありません。例えば、「お客様をお通しします。」という一節であれば、「show」よりも、「conduct a customer to」の方が、日本語の「お通しします」という表現が明確に表す品格と尊厳が伝わります。



What kinds of efforts have you been making to work out collaborative arrangements with enterprises and academic institutions in other countries? And what kinds of obstacles have been encountered in the pursuit of any such initiatives?


「当社HP」は、「our website」よりも「the Company website」の方がはるかに自然で、企業パンフレットに品格が加わります。


(The members) consider the details to be released to the public through our website and decide when they should be released.


(The members of the Certification Council) should prepare details of what needs to be released to the public through the Company website and also reach a decision as to when these details should be released.



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